About 16Me World

Are you extravert or introvert? Probably this question you heard at least once in your life. But who create it and what does it mean?

Hi! My name is Kamilla and last 15 years I have been into in typology of personality as a hobby. This website dedicated to exploring personalities from different sources, as socionics, mbti, big5, ennegram etc.

I am pretty sure that once you have passed the test from 16Personalities and probably forgot your answer, but ones you passed it again and your result was changed. Are you already different person, what does it mean?

Let's start from beginning.

Like from that beginning when Carl Jung published his first article about typology of personalities and used the term “archtype” in 1919, where main idea was brought in psychology the terms of extroversion/introversion, the functions of thinking/feeling and sensing/intuiting.

After a while Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers based on research of Karl Jung, had published she MBTI assessment tool in 1962. The purpose of MBTI was helps people understand personality differences in the general population. But it is most often used by organisations to help teams work better together.

The main difference between socionics is focused on personal relationships, while MBTI is focused on professional relationships.

On the other hand, in 1970s was founded the Socionics, the theory of informational metabolism, by a Lithuanian woman and the researcher Aushra Augustinavichute, again, based on Carl Jung's work.

Most of researchers consider socionics and MBTI to be different typologies. But, in my humble opinion, Socionics and MBTI are same typology, based on the same fundamental theory, but with different descriptions.

So, my main idea to bring in the simple words in my subjective vision two objective idea of typology in one place. I am not a professional, but I am passionate of this topic as hell, and I really want to share my knowledge with you. So, you are welcome to 16ME world!