Cognitive functions

So, this page will include a lot of letters and definitions. As in my research I have use both sources from Socionics and MBTI, I will describe the topics in two ways.

What does cognitive function is mean?

Information Sign

In the context of psychology "function" refers to a particular way or manner of knowing. The "cognitive" refers to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things. Combining these two terms, "cognitive function" refers to a particular way of processing cognitive data. Both MBTI and socionics suggest that individuals use a set of cognitive functions to perceive and interpret the world around them, as well as to make decisions. However, the theories differ in how these functions are classified, prioritized, and expressed in behaviour.

The MBTI has a rather simplistic form for determining cognitive function.

It is included two pairs:

Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F)

Judging functions (helps you make decisions).

Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N)

Perceiving functions (helps you understand what's going on around you or in your thoughts).

Each of these cognitive functions can be further focused as:

Extraverted (e)

Oriented in external world (these help you deal with what's happening around you right now. You might use these functions to solve a problem at work, have a conversation, or notice something important).

Introverted (i)

Oriented in inner world (these help you think deeply, remember past experiences, or understand something on a deeper level. You might use these functions to reflect on your feelings, plan for the future, or make sense of something confusing).

This gives us eight MBTI cognitive functions: Te, Ti, Fe, Fi, Se, Si, Ne, Ni.

Making Decisions (might use facts, think deeply, consider other people's feelings, or follow your own values).

Te (Extraverted Thinking):

You use facts and logic to solve problems and make decisions based on what works best in the real world, (facts, efficiency, practicality).

Ti (Introverted Thinking):

You like to understand how things work deeply and solve problems in your head before deciding, (analysis, understanding, precision).

Fe (Extraverted Feeling):

You care about what other people feel and make decisions based on what is best for everyone, (harmony, social, empathy).

Fi (Introverted Feeling):

You make decisions based on what feels right to you personally, based on your own values, (values, authenticity, individuality).

Understanding the World (noticing details, remembering past experiences, thinking of possibilities, or understanding patterns).

Se (Extraverted Sensing):

You focus on what you can see, hear, or touch right now. You're good at noticing details around you, (experience, sensation, awareness).

Si (Introverted Sensing):

You remember past experiences well and use them to understand what is happening now, (nostalgia, stability, tradition).

Ne (Extraverted Intuition):

You like to think about all the possibilities and what might happen in the future, (brainstorming, creativity, exploration).

Ni (Introverted Intuition):

You have a sense of how things will turn out based on patterns you've noticed before, even if you can't explain why, (insight, patterns, spiritual).

Now that you're familiar with the main part, it's time to see how it all works together

Everyone uses all 8 functions, but each person has their own weak or straight pairs.

So, the main functions work in order:

Dominant Function:

This is your main tool for interacting with the world. Your dominant function is developing during childhood. For example, you extremally sensitive and values the friendships deeply since you were child, you know for standing up for what you believe is right. Even, as a child you can understand what most of import for you. Now, you draw to causes that align with your strong sense of ethics and values. Your dominant function is Fi Introverted Feeling.

Auxiliary Function:

This is your second-most used function. It supports your dominant function and adds balance to your personality. Often starts to develop in late adolescence. For example, as in adolescence you become interested in various subjects like art, history, and science, always seeing connections between them. Your auxiliary function develops as good brainstorming and coming up with creative solutions to problems, which means Ne - Extraverted Intuition.

Tertiary Function:

This is your third-most used function. You're somewhat comfortable with it, but it's not as strong as the first two. Generally, begins to develop in mid-adulthood, around the late 20s to 30s. It adds more depth to how you handle situations but is not as strong as the dominant and auxiliary functions. Example, in this stage of your life you find that you value traditions more, finding comfort in routines and past experiences. You developed your Tertiary Function, as Si – Introverted Sensing.

Inferior Function:

This is your least-used main function. You have it, but you're not very comfortable using it, especially under stress. This starts to become more noticeable and may become a focus for development in mid-life. For example, after some life experience you realized that you need to become more organized and efficient in achieving your goals, not just passionate about them. You find in yourself Inferior Function, as Te – Extraverted Thinking.

Now the list of Shadow Functions:

The shadow functions are generally considered to be less developed and might become more noticeable or be brought into awareness under certain conditions like stress or significant life changes.

Opposing Function:

May become more noticeable in early to mid-adulthood, often coming into conflict with dominant function. Example: you may find yourself in conflict with people who make decisions based on group harmony rather than individual values, (Fe - Extraverted Feeling).

Critical Parent:

Might become more apparent in mid-adulthood and is often focused on pointing out weaknesses or flaws. Example, you become more critical of people who seem to act based on hidden agendas or are too focused on the future at the expense of the present, (Ni - Introverted Intuition).

Deceiving Function:

This function can be misleading and usually emerges under stress or in unexpected situations. Its development is less predictable. Example: you become overly indulgent in sensory experiences, like eating too much or binge-watching TV, as a way to escape, (Se - Extraverted Sensing).

Demonic Function:

Typically, this function emerges under extreme stress and can lead to behaviours that are very unlike you. It is usually the last to develop if it does at all. Example: you might overanalyse situations to the point of paralysis, unable to make a decision because he's too caught up in the details, (Ti - Introverted Thinking).

Let’s summarize our examples:

Main Functions

Dominant • Fi

Auxiliary • Ne

Tertiary • Si

Inferior • Te

Shadow Functions

Opposing • Fe

Critical • Ni

Deceiving • Se

Devilish • Ti

As result we have Fi, Ne, Si, Te/ Fe, Ni, Se, Ti which means INFP.

*Please remember, it is just hypothetical examples to illustrate how cognitive functions might develop over time. Individual experiences will vary.

Quadras + Functions

Here is the list of functions for each personality.